Service Animal Rules
Service Animal must be up to date on vaccinations.
Under Arizona's service animal law, special rules apply to zoos or wild animal parks. The law allows these establishments to bar service animals from areas where they might come into direct contact with the animals in the zoo or park—like a petting zoo.
The ADA requires Service Animals to be harnessed, leashed, or tethered unless these devices interfere with the Service Animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. In either of these situations, the Service Animal must still be under the handler’s control by voice or signal commands.
Does your Service Animal need to relieve itself? Please ask a zoo associate to direct you to an area reserved for that. If your service animal has an accident, we ask that you be a responsible owner and clean up afterwards.
Disruptive behavior (barking, pulling, and animal not under your control) to other zoo guests or zoo animals will not be tolerated.
If a bad reaction from our Zoo and Aquarium collection animal is observed at any time, please leave the area.
Service animals can be restricted from areas of the zoo and aquarium where the animals on display are the natural prey or natural predators of dogs, where the presence of a dog would be disruptive, causing the displayed animals to behave aggressively or become agitated.
Services dogs are not permitted in restricted areas, which include all rides, shows (sea lion show, penguin feeding, lory parrot feeding, and wildlife encounter show), giraffe feeding stations, petting zoo/playground area, kangaroo walkabout and walkthrough aviary. Please contact a zoo and aquarium associate to determine if alternatives are available.
Please leave the area if an upsetting reaction from our animals is observed at any time.
During a sea lion or any other presentation, do not approach. A zoo or aquarium associate will assist you in another route.
Please work with our zoo associates while you are here with your service animal.
Failure to adhere to these rules may result in removal from zoo and aquarium grounds.

Service Animals